drawing of Duncan's face by Caitlin Takeda arrow pointing down

about me

nice picture of a young professional

I'm Duncan McManus, a senior studying Computer Science at Brown University. I care about writing code that has a positive impact on the world, especially for the environment. I'm excited by Virutal Reality technology and how it can be used to teach and share stories.

I've worked at Amazon AWS and GE Digital where I developed software as part of Agile teams.

Along with internships, I love working on projects with friends. I've lead the creation of an app and company called Squawk. To see more about this and other projects, check out my resume.

Outside of school, I've done improv comedy for many years. I enjoy hikes, video games, and taking care of my succulents that I have too many of. I'm a big fan of a lot of music and even have a band named after me (that I'm not in).